Friday, August 8, 2008

La De Da Bridal Fair - Competition Winner

A HUGE congratulations to Carla Vestering from Lake Munmorah, who was the winner of the competition I ran at the La De Da Bridal Fair at Terrigal Surf Club last Sunday.

Carla's prize is a photo session for her and a friend at the 5 star Bed & Breakfast in the Hunter Valley.

Congrats again Carla !!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Are you an Hourglass Goddess ?

Warning: Semi Nudity (Click to play)

For the chicks who are thinking about an Hourglass Goddess session, just do it !!! You will have a fab time, I promise !

Here's a few things to think about while planning your session.

If you are giving the photos to your partner as a gift on a specific day, be sure to book your session at least 8 weeks before, to allow for proofing and then ordering of books and prints.

For Valentines Day gifts, sessions should be held before the end of November, as Christmas shutdowns will delay the receipt of your products.

Please note that weekend sessions have a minimum of 4 people. If you don't have anyone to come with you, just drop me an email with your details, and I will put you on a waiting list and slot you in with another group. The sessions are completely private, so don't stress !! You will each have an allotted time of 2 hours.

Weekend sessions are for a minimum of 4 girls at $260 each.

Weekday sessions are $260 FOR UP TO 2 PEOPLE !!! So split the cost with a friend...that's $130 each !

The rooms are simply gorgeous, air conditioned, and private. We have a fantastic time, with LOADS of laughs !

So what are you waiting for ?

Some tips when planning your session

Schedule your session to be at least 8 weeks before your wedding,
or Valentines Day to allow for orders and albums to be received.

Things to do list:
Manicure / Acrylic Nails (don't forget your toes!)
Hair cut / colour
Buy some gorgeous lingerie…
Work out a decoy so your partner doesn’t suspect !!

Things to bring:
High heeled shoes
Something of his…shirt, hat, helmet, boots.
A few of your fave CD’s to get you in the groove.